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Once upon a time, my wife and I were in our sxs exploring beautiful Sand Hollow, Utah. It was my quest to see what my machine coupled with my own skills would be capable of climbing. This particular day we started up an obstacle when out of nowhere came a little critter named “Wreckie.” This spiky little prick causes havoc to all those who meet him. While climbing a difficult obstacle, Wreckie scurried underneath our machine, pushed us up and over backwards. We flew in the air and landed on our roof top and then rolled onto our side. As we laid on our side, I could see dust as Wreckie hustled off into the distance. I’ve searched everywhere for Wreckie but he’s cunning, he’s fast, and he shows up when you least expect it.


An old timer told me of a similar story he had experienced with Wreckie in his past. He spent most of his life trying to track down Wreckie. He never could get close enough to stop him……but he did uncover something that helps keep Wreckie away. Wreckie HATES the sound of a high-pitched bell, it drives him mad and he runs away most times. At Wreckage Industries we encourage all those who ride in the great outdoors; whether it be mud, sand, snow, dirt, or rocks to protect themselves from an encounter with Wreckie.


Attach this Wreckie Bell to your machine in hopes that every time you ride it will ward off this little creature and not ruin your trip, like he did mine that dreaded day. Years have passed from our encounter with Wreckie and we have been using this technique since our accident; the bell works like magic!


Thank you for letting us help protect you from Wreckie with this purchase. Attach the bell anywhere you like on your machine, may good luck and fortune find you in the outdoors enjoying this beautiful place we call home. Ride on and rid yourself of Wreckie! Don’t forget to protect all your riding buddies too!

Sam and Danielle

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